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Citizenship by Investment

Austria Citizenship by Investment

The Austria Golden Visa program allows foreign applicants to actively invest in the economy to gain Austrian residency and citizenship.

In return for Austrian citizenship and subsequent second passport, such investment must be significant, contribute to the economy and create jobs. The investment is typically a minimum of €10 million if made directly into a business or €3 million as a contribution to the government development fund.

The Austrian passport will provide you with visa free travel access to an impressive 199 destinations worldwide, including visa free access to the United States and United Kingdom. The Austrian citizenship by investment program will enable you to live, work, travel and study anywhere within the European Schengen zone.

The Austrian passport is one of the world’s strongest passports, offering visa-free access to 199 countries and territories worldwide. That’s an impressive 87.7% of worldwide destinations. This represents 81.1% of the world’s wealth measured by GDP and 92.6% of worldwide travel popularity based on international visitors.

However, this is a simple measure as it counts all destinations equally. At HFSTH & Coll. our unique GDP and Travel Popularity measures take account of the “quality” of those destinations. This way, not all countries are counted equally and you receive an intelligent assessment of just what your investment brings in terms of visa-free access.


Austria second passport


The combination of a second passport with your existing passport is often overlooked when deciding on a citizenship by investment programme. Your own passport will already have its own visa-free travel list. Anything you add with a second passport should complement those destinations. “Doubling up” with the same visa-free destinations offers no real benefit. The HFSTH & Coll. Passport Investment Report will analyse your personal combination and which passport fits best. It not only considers the number of destinations, but those which suit your travel profile needs and your existing passport. Perhaps GDP is relevant to you as you undertake a lot of business travel or maybe Travel Popularity is important for leisure and vacations?


Austria offers a citizenship by investment programme for foreign applicants who actively invest in the Austrian economy. The investment amount must be significant, contribute to the economy and create jobs. The investment amount is typically €10 million if injected directly into a business or €3 million as a contribution to the government development fund.


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